Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ten Months Old!

What is baby C doing now?

-Says and knows dada, mama or momom, ada, nana, papa, yaya, gaga, baba
-Loves to yell talk
-Waves his hands side to side while facing the ground when he really likes something
-Gives high fives and loves doing it
-Pulling himself up to everything he can
-Today he actually let go and stood twice by himself...he wants to move SO bad...and thinks he can!
-He is a very determined little guy- he keeps going until he can figure it out
-He loves and I mean LOVES the little fisher price piano that Miss A got when she turned one (thanks Sam!) he plays with it all day...when he is wanting to be down on the ground. Pulls himself up, dances, falls down while trying to manuver his way to the back of the piano, cries, gets back up, pinches his fingers once or twice while standing and turning the pages, gets super mad, yells, and then once they are out he is back to the beginning.
-He discovered he can do the head bob, whenever he hears music his dance begins
-He loves music
-He loves cheerios
-He loves food, he eats and eats and eats
-He doesn't like to sleep
-He definitely doesn't like to nap...I always wondered what I would do if we ever had a child that wouldn't nap...I thought there has to be something that can work..........nope, tried them all, nothing has worked so far.
-He loves and I mean LOVES to cuddle. If we would let him cuddle with us all night long he would.
-He loves papas pen in his pocket. He checks for it everytime papa comes around
-He loves peek-a-boo, pat a cake, five speckeled frogs, the incy wincy spider, jingle bells (especially when Miss A sings it)
-He loves when prayers are said, I think it is pretty funny. He always starts to laugh when we start to say prayers.
-He loves to pull your face and hair
-Loves the vac, anything loud really
-Loves watching wheels go around
-Laughs when you open or walk by a computer
-He loves to take toys away from Miss A, especially if she has just taken them from him
-Hates diaper changes
-Allergic to dairy and soy
-Weighs 16.2 lbs
-Head is in the 50th percentile :)
-Loves to be outside
-Loves to smile!

We sure love this little guy