Sunday, May 11, 2014


This is how bath time started out. Say hello to the new favorite facial expression!

We are glad to have some of our family here! We miss Mimi and Poppy and wish they could be here too. If we could we would have grammy and grampy here and everyone! Grandpa and Grandma were looking for tickets to come out because baby C's cousin who is just a few months older (which we are SO excited they are so close in age!) was being blessed around this time. Lucky for all of us (they didn't tell any of us they were coming) things happened around the same time! It happened that the ticket price went down that morning and they decided to look...coincidence? I think not. They had looked the night before. So they bought them and hopped on the plane. 

It was really fun to watch D and grandpa. Their expressions were the best. 

Do you think he likes his bath?

 Miss A helping to wash her baby brother.

 Not until the shampoo. He was so funny! It was instantly that he stopped crying and was so content. He could have sat there for an hour getting his hair washed.

They showed this way of washing his hair to D at the hospital and I am grateful they did! Baby C loves it!

He Has Her Heart Too!

He has stolen all our hearts! Especially his big sisters. She is so sweet to him. Giving him kisses, loving him like crazy, wanting to hold him. I love how she grabs her dolls and pretends to feed them while her little brother is eating. She pretends to nurse and burp her babies. I think it is amazing that from the time we are little, it is instilled in us that nurturing. Although I do believe it is also something you have to work anything in this life, part of being a woman means being a nurturer and strengthening that God given gift.


 My two handsome boys!
Sweet Miss A!

Sweet little boy!

Welcome Home Baby Boy!

We are all home! I can't even begin to describe how I feel! Excited, thankful beyond being able to thank, joyous, extreme joy, rapture...well maybe that sums it up a little bit? I am so thankful that God created us and gave us beautiful bodies to take care of. I am so thankful that I know the family is ordained of God and I know without doubt there is nothing and I mean nothing greater than being married to the love of my eternal life! I am so blessed to be with him and there is so much joy in knowing that we love each other no matter what...We love the quote, "Choose your love, and love your choice". That's what we did when we all got married right? We may have been raised differently, our personalities may be similar or very different, but we decide how we are going to react and treat each other. If we can learn to forgive each other, stop digging up the past, and just decide to fix ourselves...because things are never one sided...we can learn to love stronger and more fully. Let the Lord's love fill our lives and marriages!

I am grateful to be a mother. It can be hard sometimes...and oh how many fears I have that can weigh me down if I let them, but there is, once again, nothing more fulfilling, rewarding, or worth my time than spending time, teaching, and raising now two little angels, straight from heaven, with minds and personalities of their own. I have cried a lot of tears, and I am sure I will cry many more both happy and sad, but I honestly believe now what one of my teachers at school once said, "There is so much joy in marriage, but it wasn't until we had children that we found just how full our joy could be." I know that is true for us! 

This pregnancy along with labor and delivery were so different than with Miss A. I actually got an epidural and yes I am thankful that I got it, but it was rough for me. Now while recovering that is the most painful part! I hated not being able to feel my legs ahh!!! It drove me nuts that I couldn't move them or move my toes, and when my leg would flop over I didn't even know until I would look down of Drew would start laughing! He was sweet enough to fix it! It was really as if my legs were disconnected from my body. However, I am glad I got one.

Can skip this part if you don't want to read the details but I am writing them down! We went in at 7:00am. Took our sweet time. I was so nervous, Drew seemed calm as can be! I requested that I not get induced but to try to break my water first. So at around 9:00am Dr. B came in and told us, as requested, the funny story about the time he gave his dog a hymenectamy so she could have puppies...and apparently it worked! We laughed and laughed. At this point I was at 6cm. He put the heart beat monitor into sweet baby C's head and punctured the sac so my water would slowly trickle...well do you think that happened? The nurse left the room saying, "Okay now you probably won't feel much it will slowly drip out..." Drew got up to use the bathroom and I laid there. As soon as they both had left can you guess what happened? The flood gates opened actually broke and there was no small trickle and no stopping it. The nurses came back in and after cleaning and all laughing one said, "Wow this is the most amniotic fluid I have seen in a long time". We laughed a lot during this delivery. So after checking and progressing we were at a stand still because sweet baby C decided he would be a gentleman and come into this world with his hand stretched out and ready to shake hands. He had moved his hand on top of his head- I wonder if it is because of the monitor in his've got to admit that'd be pretty weird to feel something up there. So after trying and trying to move his hand back the nurse went and got her charge nurse who "had done this a lot longer than she had". She came in and after a minute or two and lots of shoving his hand was back up. I could feel the whole thing-which made me grateful at that point to have had an epidural because it would have been A LOT more painful! Keep checking dialated to 9 1/2cm and guess what- his sweet hand is back down! Dr. B came in at about 12:30 and ten minutes went by and two contractions and this sweet little guy was born at 12:48pm. He is so tiny! 6lbs 14oz, 20 and 1/2 inches long. Dark brown hair just like daddy :) He is the sweetest boy in the world. I can't even begin to explain how blessed we feel we are! When they handed him to me I instantly began to cry. Holding this sweet boy straight from Heaven knowing that I have so much to teach him touched me in a way that I haven't felt before. It was so clear to me that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and how grateful I am that sweet baby C was sent to our family. It is funny to me, and maybe this is because Satan knows how to make you worry etc etc etc...which is rather annoying, but while pregnant I still worried about how I could love another child while still loving little Miss A. The love I have for her is so great I feared that with another child I would love her less or not know how to share my love and time. I just couldn't understand how my love could spread, nor did I understand how in the world I could handle TWO! Once I held our sweet little boy in my arms and looked at D there was instant peace that came over from the Lord. Instantly those fears and worries were lifted. I can't tell you how real that feeling was for me. I know the Savior helped me in many ways! Once I saw two tiny feet and heard a little voice behind the curtain in the room saying "mommy, is baby brother here, are you done feeding him?" It somehow just happened my love never changed for her and I love him with all my heart too.

 Nana and Miss A came shortly after he was born. The curtains were closed to the room and all I could see were little jumpy feet waiting to open those curtains to see her baby brother whom she has waited a LONG time for. She ran in and instantly went to daddy arms reaching out to hold her brother and gave him a sweet sweet big sister kiss. Then she climbed in next to me and we talked and giggled.

 She LOVES her baby brother!

After his first bath. D said he hated it all except when his head was being rubbed and washed. He instantly stopped crying and just laid there. Oh our sweet baby C we love you!