Sunday, May 11, 2014


This is how bath time started out. Say hello to the new favorite facial expression!

We are glad to have some of our family here! We miss Mimi and Poppy and wish they could be here too. If we could we would have grammy and grampy here and everyone! Grandpa and Grandma were looking for tickets to come out because baby C's cousin who is just a few months older (which we are SO excited they are so close in age!) was being blessed around this time. Lucky for all of us (they didn't tell any of us they were coming) things happened around the same time! It happened that the ticket price went down that morning and they decided to look...coincidence? I think not. They had looked the night before. So they bought them and hopped on the plane. 

It was really fun to watch D and grandpa. Their expressions were the best. 

Do you think he likes his bath?

 Miss A helping to wash her baby brother.

 Not until the shampoo. He was so funny! It was instantly that he stopped crying and was so content. He could have sat there for an hour getting his hair washed.

They showed this way of washing his hair to D at the hospital and I am grateful they did! Baby C loves it!

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