Monday, August 24, 2015

Time Goes WAY too Fast

Time goes WAY to FAST...or life gets WAY to BUSY??? Either way I have missed writing and missed many months. So here is to another try at writing.

What has happened? Baby C is no longer a little baby anymore. He grew out of his food allergies (I am hoping forever!) and since then he has gained 6 lbs in really less than two months! He is making up for all his lost time with dairy. This little guy LOVES his sippy cup with milk. I however think I am now allergic to all dairy :) but really since I stopped using rice and almond milk...I have broken out in hives and goodness it is driving me NUTS!

He can say dada, mama, nana, papa, banana, apple, da (dog), qack (duck/quack), ball or a ball, bird is like bwir. He LOVES animals. I have never met a human being who loves animals as much as this little guy does. He just walks right up to big dogs, little dogs and sticks that little hand out hoping it will get licked. It is so funny, he just giggles. He loves bugs crawling on the ground and will point them out to you.

He loves digging in the dirt, eating the dirt, dipping his fruit bars in the dirt and then eating them...even if there is a poky from nana and papa's tree stuck in the now dipped in dirt fruit bar. He loves to steal his sisters shovel, he now loves throwing the dirt from the shovel behind beware! He loves rocks, he loves picking papa's unripe tomatoes off the vine after pointing and walking up to while repeating, "a ball or baw" and then throwing them.

He loves shoes, wearing big shoes and walking quite well with both of them on. He loves hats and always has...from the day he was born until maybe three or four months he would only sleep with his little hospital beanie on. He loves putting on daddy's baseball hats and giggling since it covers his whole face. The other day Miss A and I were playing dress up and got hats on...well he thought he needed one too and came running over to us giggling and tried to steal our hats...then got mad when neither of us would give up our girly we found one for him.

He loves dancing with us. He loves his big sister so much even if they sometimes don't get along. He could go down in history for the most times fallen and getting bruised. This little man has been the most wobbly boy no most wobbly baby in the WORLD! We think it is because his feet and so much smaller then his head :) But hey he is growing into them. I have learned with him that it is okay to get hurt our Father in Heaven made babes heads strong and cushy so they can fall and get up again. I try to give thanks every time this little guy falls and doesn't get a bump or bruise.

He is learning he can push, hit, and still loves to throw himself backwards when he is really mad. I am praying he will end that stage REALLY quick. He tried to run before he could walk, he is one determined little guy. He hops back up after he gets hurt and does the exact same thing...I'm going with the idea that he wants to try to master his mistake.

He loves watching his daddy play softball and baseball. He gets out of the car clapping when he sees that we are at daddy's softball game. If there is anything round, to baby C it is a ball. I love going to the grocery store and right as we walk in he sees the produce and gets all excited and says while pointing over and over again "ball".

I know that is a lot for one post...but I haven't written in a LONG TIME!!!!!!!

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