Friday, March 22, 2013

The Sort of Getting to Know Us Post

Well, we are doing it. We are starting our little marriage and family blog. We hope you will enjoy it and maybe even take something from it...I know we certainly will! Like I said, I am in NO WAY an expert or a counselor, just a married woman with a lot to say.

D and I have been married for over 3 years. We met in our social dance class our first semester at school. We knew soon after that we wanted to marry each other, and after a few months of bumps and mountains we knew even more and got married in the Salt Lake LDS temple. We have a beautiful little girl who we sometimes call little lady. She has been the biggest blessing in our life! She keeps us moving, laughing, sometimes crying, and every day praying to be able to know how to teach her and for me not fear raising her in a world that is scary to me.

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, believe in God our Heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ, and in being able to be together as a family after we die. You may think me crazy...but why come this far through life, being this happy, having children, gaining experience and then at death have that all just end? I do not believe a loving Father would let it end, family is central to His plan and can bring the greatest happiness of all. Even if I you don't believe the way I do I hope you still stick around. 

One of my minors at school was in Marriage and Family studies. The classes, books, and studies we did in school have greatly blessed my life, our marriage, and helped me see even more that the world is a tricky place with society tearing family and marriage apart, but we do not have to be fearful. Take a stand against it by keeping your marriage strong, faithful, happy, and teach children.

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