Friday, April 25, 2014

Our Hospital Visit in March

Starting now I am going to try to write more! Six months have gone by and I have missed writing our little stories and experiences down, but with one computer and one busy husband in school needing the computer, writing on the blog has gone on hold. So tonight while I have a minute I am going to write a few things!

What has gone on? I don't even think I can remember everything! Starting from most recent...Baby number two is doing great! D and I had a wonderful date night at the hospital last Friday after I fell during my last class. I had a few learning moments on Friday...Fourth graders will laugh at a pregnant woman falling not even realizing how scary it can be. I went to do an assemble, not even jumping into it I simply walked brushed one foot out hit a super slick spot and next thing I know both feet were up in the air not completely vertical thankfully, and I was down on my back with one hand bracing my fall. I felt wet and thought oh no was that my water? I stood up amongst the laughter and pretended I didn't hurt at all :) Thankfully it was in my last ballet class of the night and I only had about thirty minutes left! D and miss A picked me up and after calling we went into the hospital. My wonderful brother and sister in law dropped what they were doing to come pick up miss A. She didn't know what was going on, simply excited to play with her cousins and have a sleepover. Come to find out when we picked her up that she refused to go to sleep even though she wanted to sleep over. Funny girl.

We now know what the hospital is like and one of the nurses. We were there for a few hours monitoring baby and contractions. He was great! I was dehydrated...what else is new? I had just been teaching for three hours! They ended up giving me a shot to stop contractions which I was a little hesitant about, but I am glad because I wouldn't want him to have come that early. (March 19th). Come to find out my water did not break... I just wet my pants a little...I didn't think I would ever be so happy to have wet my pants! I haven't slipped since then in ballet and don't plan on it! We are grateful everything was great!

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