Friday, April 25, 2014

Three and a Half Weeks and Counting Down

We are so excited for this sweet baby boy to be born! We only have three and a half weeks left. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by. I have so many mixed feelings! I am excited for this little one to enter this world, but oh how I have loved to be pregnant! Watching my belly grow, feeling him move, losing sleep because of bathroom breaks, not being able to lay down to sleep or find anyway to sleep...even after stacking up all of our pillows except two. I love feeling him roll around, kick, stretch, and get hiccups. I love that D and A can feel him too. We just laugh and laugh when he moves because when he moves he really moves. He pokes out until my stomach feels as if it could break!

I am grateful little miss A is excited for him to be born. For a while there were some rough moments- the first one being at the "big ultra sound". We took Miss A with us, which was so funny. The moment the ultra sound tech showed us and out loud said it looks like you're having a boy, Miss A started to do all she could to tell us he was not a boy but a girl. She said to the tech, "no it's a girl, Heavenly Father made her to be a girl". After that anyone who said she was having a brother would be told that we were not having a boy but a girl. We have now gone from that, to her being very excited about having a baby brother. The other morning she woke up and asked, "Daddy is it May?" because she knows her baby brother is supposed to be coming in May. She does pray for her baby sister in heaven and never fails to remind us, "after my baby brother is born my baby sister will be born". We have many colored pictures of ultra sounds of her baby brother :) She loves to draw the ultra sounds.

I am very nervous about the changes that will happen, but I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for our growing family. We have been blessed so much already. In one of our family classes up at school our teacher once said, "It doesn't take money to have a baby, it takes faith". I know it does take money, but when we prepare in all the ways when we can, and when the Lord says it's time, you do your part and the Lord takes care of the rest. We found that with miss A and now with this little guy. Things work out! I definitely found myself saying, "but how?" but little by little and putting trust in the Lord things really do unfold and work out. One funny thing that still keeps me laughing is how I just started a new job, as a ballet teacher, and was expecting. I kept thinking what funny timing right when I start this job we are also expecting a new baby! I know it wasn't just coincidence. Soon after that I found out with this job I get six weeks paid maternity leave. I was placed with level one ballet classes, which although have been very challenging at times, I have been able to keep up teaching the entire time.

We have been blessed, and I never thought I'd say this, with loan money not taken out from the bank but through the school! We were very happy to hear that! We have been blessed with baby needs and just so many things! So if I could say one thing I have learned through this pregnancy I think it would have to be gratitude and attitude.

The Lord does know all things!

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey,

    This and your other posts above show your inspiring attitude on life. Thanks for sharing! We'll be praying for you as you are coming up to welcoming your new baby into the world.
