Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Five Months Later...

Wow I have been terrible at keeping up our little love blog. From now on I hope to be better!  What's new? We celebrated our anniversary!!! That's about it.

Have you ever read in the scriptures a few verses that just STAND OUT? I have found more! I think that is the beautiful thing about scriptures...and marriage...the more you read them (even if it is the same verses over and over again) the more you learn. Same with marriage the more you put into your marriage, the more you serve...even if it means washing the same pair of jeans twice in one week, or doing dishes again and again, the stronger your marriage becomes.

We are experiencing this right now. I have found out that switching roles even slightly can be a challenge. D just started grad school...HOORAY!!! He isn't working during school, we didn't want to take our more loans, need I say more? and a job came to me at the perfect time. It has been a BIG blessing in more ways than one. I only work a few times a week for a few hours a day. I am grateful that it isn't a full time job because all the money in the world wouldn't be worth being gone from our little lady all day. So even though money will be tighter than ever, we will be okay. Little lady asked me to turn on this little video one morning and we watched it together...she watches it for "the little girl swinging on her belly on the swing." 

To be honest I feel like one of the little children in the video. The father talks about how they expect food to be in the pantry when they open it, the crayons and toys they use, the clothes they wear are just there. All of it is provided for them. With D working I knew where our money was coming from that he was providing, but I never really felt the anxiety that he felt, that a father feels in needing to provide for the family. I never had to think If I miss work today we'll be short money this month. But I have felt that now, not to the same extent. This has helped me appreciate D more and I am grateful that one of his roles as a father is to provide for our family. Wow what a sacrifice that is.

So goal for each of you...Take a step back and think about the sacrifice that your husband makes for your family each day to provide the necessary things in life and vv. D and I, being in school since we got married, have always been pretty good with our money, we haven't had much and we have lived pay check to pay check for four years. We've really learned and still are learning to live within our means, buy the NEED not the WANT. It is hard sometimes, but worth it to us. We have been able to not fight over finances and know we are on the same page.

So back to that scripture that has stood out to me. And not it doesn't have anything to do with the above thoughts...Proverbs 31:10-12

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies."
"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil."
"And she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."

This is one of my live by scriptures. Virtue is one value that isn't well known in the world. It is a value that I believe should be known and practiced by all in our home and our lives.

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