Friday, July 25, 2014

A Little Learning

Miss A and I went grocery shopping the other day...
All I can say to that is WOW we actually did it.
The grocery store has been a hard place for me to get to lately...I guess for a few reasons, those being
1. I am still getting used to being a mama of two. It takes twice as long for us to get out the door, we are not meaning Miss A, Baby C and myself, aren't that great at leaving right after baby C eats. It is usually due to the fact that everything likes to happen at an inconvenient times. Feeding is through then someone poops, or someone is hungry :) I am learning!!!
2. I haven't figured out how to get everything in the kart with the carseat in the back and Miss A in the front. I am a little to short to lift the carseat into the cart.
3. After the thought of it all I am exhausted and would rather wait until my sweet D gets home and then we either take a date and go or all of us go. 
SO back to the story. We went to the grocery store, just Miss A and I. As we were checking out we had a banana case. We ended up needing to get some other bananas. The cashier scanned the bananas and said to on our way out just go grab another bunch of bananas like the previous ones. I then asked, "Should I bring them back and show you?" to which he responded, "No, you can just grab some". Little Miss A then got a look of surprise on her face and worry. She said to the cashier, "Just take them without paying. Isn't that stealing? Are we stealing the bananas?" Oh goodness I love this girl! The cashier smiled and laughed a little and we explained to her that we already paid for the bananas so it isn't stealing. A big expression of relief washed over her face after that. 

It is amazing to me that her little brain is able to recognize things like that and understand. I am grateful for those teaching moments.

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