Sunday, July 13, 2014

Two Months Old Already!

I can't believe two months have flown right by! I have felt like a zombie for part of it :) but honestly I can't C is a sleeper! We bundle him up and he is out for the night...most nights anyway! Now on the other hand...little miss A wakes up faithfully during the night. Most of the time she runs into our room and lays right down on the floor and goes to bed. On other nights however it is..."I have to go to the bathroom", "I need a diaper change", "Will you come check my room for wolves", "Let's have a sleepover", "Mommy will you please put your arm around me", and last of all "I am not going back to sleep". She is a sweetheart with a smart mind and a spunky personality.

Miss A for the most part has been great with the new adjustment. There have been little things here and there usually when she is tired.  Today however we did end up switching rooms back. Who's genius idea was it to switch rooms so she and C could have the biggest room since they are sharing??? MINE! Did I even think about how this little lady hates change? Nope I did not. So after fighting it for awhile I gave in. She has been SO excited about being back in her room with the magic that is written on the walls.

I love writing down the things that baby C is learning and goes!
 Today he saw and stared at his hands for the first time
He hit his nose with his fist, looked at me, looked rather confused as if he were saying wait what happened? That hurt! , and then began to cry.
He loves and I mean LOVES peek a boo. Last night D and I were playing it with him and oh my goodness I started to cry. He had the biggest smiles and he did a little chuckle once! It is so sweet! He tilts his head opens up wide to smile and squints those blue eyes. 
He loves to talk to us and smile. I love being greeted in the morning with a big smile from both C and A
He has rolled over- no lie- twice
He isn't a fan of the hanging bees in his play gym (I have no idea what they are called) he starts to cry every time he sees them. But he does love the frog and dog
He hates to sleep during the day
He loves to be outside-thankfully!
He loves his monkey's that are in his bouncer- he smiles at them a lot
He LOVES his daddy and big sister. When he is upset he quits when Miss A gives him kisses
He loves to mimic you when you stick out your tongue.
He isn't a fan of his car seat
He isn't a big fan of his binky
He also isn't a fan of his crib- hopefully that will change!
He smiled for the first time on Tuesday June 17th
He loves the song "I am a Child of God" and  "Twinkle twinkle little star" but only when Miss A sings it

We sure love these two!

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