Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sweet November

Sweet Sweet November. We love and I mean LOVE this time of year...especially the next few weeks of November. Why? Well because they have special meaning to us...this is the time of year when Mr. D and I finally talked to each other, he asked me out on our first date, we began dating, and well we know the rest! This year the dates happen to fall on the same day of the week as it did when we first really talked to each other. But I wanted to write quick and not in detail how it all happened. At this point I replay it in my mind...and D and I talk about it a lot, we love thinking back and looking back and remembering. I wish however that I had a movie of it so we could sit back and watch.


We met the first or second day of our social dance class. We had to shake hands and say, "Hello I am ... It is nice to meet you." So when I shook hands with Mr. D and said "Hello I am ..." he said "Oh like the song". That caught me off guard because it is an old song and most people our age have never heard of it. It has always been kind of special to me because my parents love it and I am named after it so there you go...On the semester went, he dated a lot in short amount of time :) I like to tease him...but hey I don't blame him or the other girls there were many many girls after this man he is the best of the best and so special to me! I had gone on a couple of dates with people I knew because they were roommates with my cousins and I spent a lot of time with my cousins. I was to the point of not wanting to date, it was always awkward or the person I was on the date with always did something that just bugged me...keep that in mind for later. And for the record...which Mr. D always teases me about, I didn't go up to the school to get married, I hoped one day it would happen, but that was not my intent for going to school. So within the first couple of weeks I decided that I was going to focus on my dancing only unless I was supposed to meet my husband, but I told the Lord I would need help and He would have to show me because I was done until that time. Well within the next week who should I keep seeing around campus (which I hadn't before), and who did I start to stare at in class, who could I not get out of my mind, and who did I feel like I had to talk to? Yes Mr. D the boy I didn't even know!


In our class I just found myself staring at him and I always felt awkward when he would look my way. I would quickly look down because in my mind it was so obvious I was giving him all the signals to come talk to me...he obviously missed them because I still had to be the one to go up to him! When we danced together our eyes would lock and I just stared at him, I guess I froze because I couldn't find anything to say to him. When we danced it was so different I felt like I could just stay in his arms forever, smiling at each other, looking at each other, being together...That may sound creepy but it isn't! After we danced and had class for a few weeks I started feeling more strongly and I couldn't get thoughts out of my head telling me I need to go and talk to him...Now I am not one who ever went to strike up a conversation with a boy, but I couldn't shake the feeling or thought. So I kept praying for help not to be afraid to talk to him.

October 30th

For our social dance class wee had to go to to so many dances put on at the school for credit in our class. There happened to be one the night my cousin and I were leaving for Utah to audition for Disney World. But both my cousin and I needed the credit, and I hoped Mr. D would be there so we went. Was he there? Yes! Did he say hi to me? Yes! As he was dancing with another girl...I felt like a stalker and he calls me one (teasing of course) because I just watched them together and that night when I got home (to Utah) I talked with my mom and told her "I can't do this. He is probably going to marry her. They looked like they were having such a good time"....Now my wonderful mother just laughed at me and she and my dad asked, "did she have a ring on her finger?" I replied "No" and then they said, "then you can ask him out". So on we go I auditioned it was fun, the entire time I felt like I there was something else in store for me...so I wasn't too disappointed when I found out I didn't get a position dancing. We went back to school and then it all began again.


I would get the guts up to talk to him but he would be walking or talking with another girl almost every single time. I talked myself out of it because I was not going to go talk to him if there was another girl there. Fast forward to November 11th...the night of our stake dance. Yes I looked him up and found out that we were in the same stake so he would be going to the stake dance that night and I knew without a doubt that I had to talk to him tonight because I had been given many chances before that I passed up.

Did I say I wasn't going to go in to detail...oops!

November 11th 

I was sick with a cold but decided to go for a little while just to see if he was there. He went to the gym and worked out but then decided to come for a little while. I saw him, he saw me, and then I made my plan. I saw him walk out of the ballroom so I walked out too. He sat down to talk to someone he knew so I walked into the bathroom and prayed because I was so nervous. I came back out he was still talking, my cousin came up with a bunch of his friends and started talking to me, they asked if I was coming back in and I said, "No I have to talk to someone first", one of them asked, "Who do you have to talk to?" and I said, "Him. I have to talk to Mr. D" who had walked up right at that moment I had that "twenty seconds of courage". They all left and there we were right outside the door into the ballroom and I asked the question, "Were Kobe and Osaka in your mission?" (I already knew the answer...no...but my dad served his LDS mission in Japan so it was an easy in for me). Mr. D explained how they were not and then we kept talking. He asked if I wanted to do something sometime and of course I answered YES! I then asked for his number because he was taking FOREVER. He asked if I wanted to dance and of course I said YES! He then said, "I'll come find you for the next song". And he did. We danced together, I tripped...a lot, we laughed and in a text message to me that night he said, "If anyone were to trip I am glad it was you!"  

Boy am I too! I am thankful that the Lord helped me have courage to talk to Mr. D and let me know that He had a better plan for both of us...Mr. D is the best husband and father and man. I know why it felt so different dancing together it felt like coming home. I did come home...and I love coming home to him every single day since!

Some of my favorite pictures from school!

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