Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We Love Halloween

So I was up late or early more like it making Halloween costumes because in our family I rarely do things early. We decided to switch Sunday night Miss A's costume and add on three more costumes. One for Mr. D, baby C, and me. We have always let Miss A choose what she wants to be for Halloween except year one...we chose for her and she was a chicken...wow we must be on a chicken theme in our family! I'll try to find a picture. She's been Rapunzel, a pumpkin, Periwinkle, a ballerina fairy, and Elsa. Now last year she wanted to be a ghost, then she switched last minute but it was easy, this year when Halloween came around she told me, "I want to be a ghost because I wanted  to last year and I didn't." So I was set on making that ghost costume...until I started to hear her say to other people that she was going to be Elsa.........so long story short we switched to Elsa, why not. Mr. D was Kristoff, baby C was Olaf, and I was Anna. Miss A was so excited! In my mind I saw all of the costumes and thought hmm that will be easy...........until I started sewing and realized how much hand stitching I would be doing, I would have to line Elsa's dress because this little lady doesn't wear anything that is scratchy, or jeans. So after the many hours of work I am going to start next years costumes NOW!

 Carrying on the tradition of "you get to dress up in two different costumes"
We had a neighborhood trunk or treat on Wednesday night. He was a lion, and Miss A was a "fairy ballerina". This little guy loved and I mean loved  the trunk or treat. If he is ever upset all you have to do is take him outside, it is instant happiness. 

 Thanks to my wonderful mother who helped me a lot with this Elsa costume and figuring out patterns and going to six different fabric stores and six different walmarts until we finally found the right fabric. This is really the first time I have sewn since baby C was born and it can be challenging when he nurses every two hours, he doesn't take naps, he doesn't like to be left laying on the bed with toys while I talk to him from the chair three feet away...he would rather be at the sewing machine; and to have a little girl who is so bored that she "has to be stuck in that room all day". She still doesn't enjoy being downstairs playing by herself...I don't blame her though I was the same way.

 Here is his Olaf hat!
 And after trick or treating...can't see it all...that's okay it was fun!

So Halloween was a blast. The day after was not. Miss A, and Mr. D got the stomach bug going around everywhere...it was not candy, why do I know that? Because all night we kept hearing, "I am not going to eat any candy I don't want to throw up." Well poor girl, she didn't eat any and she ended up throwing up anyway. Now the past three days have been filled with tears and screams of not wanting to eat anything because she is afraid of throwing up. Tonight however we hopefully had a break through.

Our quick funny and not so funny Halloween moments.
-Trunk or Treat- Lost fairy wand=sad little girl, searching with a head lamp in the parking lot of the church. Tears coming down her face. Going around to trunk or treat asking every one if they have seen her fairy wand all the while daddy looks for it. Thankfully "the chinchilla lady" had picked it up where it was dropped right by her car and someone else ten cars down heard about it and told Miss A when she asked her. But the sweetest part about this I thought was when one of the girls said to Miss A, "Here you can have my wand, I don't need it anymore." Now she didn't take her up on it, I guess only her wand would do. But I thought that was a pretty selfless sweet thing to do.
-Nana and Papa's annual Halloween party! It was fun. Of course N and B and family were greatly greatly missed. We had mummy dogs, pizza, witches brew (and by the way dad this years was hands down the best witches brew you have ever made), pass the pumpkin, Z man beating people up dressed as a transformer, B being called a Zebra when really he was dressed as a prisoner..."my daddy is zebra" followed by laughter, pin the nose on the jack'o'lantern, and last but not least instead of "snort piggy snort snort" it was "booo Ghost booo".
-Singing Miss A's favorite song-
               Halloween, Halloween, lots of fun on Halloween.
               Black cats and Ghosts, Skeletons too
               Clowns and witches all say BOO
               Pumpkins with eyes shiny and bright,
               Makes us shiver with fright.
               Halloween, Halloween, we love Halloween. 
- While I finished the last costume people were just beginning to trick or treat. Here is the door situation at our house-
              Miss A and D answered the door, the boy (who we know) was dressed up in a skeleton mask scared miss A as she opened the door and what did she do??? Shut it right in his face because she got scared.
-While the night progressed and we moved from house to house Miss A began to turn down people when they told her she could take more than one piece of candy.
-Her Elsa cape is so long it drags (we bustled it up but it doesn't work that well). Mr. D ran it over on accident twice and boy, as my dad used to say, "if looks could kill you'd be dead"...well let's just say her look is one we will never forget and will always bring a little laughter. She was momentarily quite upset and told him, "If my cape wasn't so long maybe you would stop running it over with the stroller." 
-The last house we went to had king sized candy bars. The girl brought the candy bars to the door all laid out on a nice round platter...when Miss A saw them she looked at the girl and said, "I don't want any", walked away and left me standing there all alone. The girl then looked at me and I awkwardly said, "I guess she's had enough candy...thank you." Yeah I'll just say this little lady has made me get out of my comfort zone many many many times.

Happy Halloween!

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