Thursday, January 22, 2015

Seven Months Old!

Seven Months have flown right by! This little man is getting bigger every day! This little man has stolen our hearts that is for sure. It is funny to me how different Baby C and Miss A are. They look almost identical but their big personalities are their own.
So what is this little baby boy up to?
 -Rolling Rolling Rolling! He loves rolling all over not thinking where he might be going! Miss A sometimes gets upset when he starts to roll into her toys, but most of the time I hear giggles and laughs especially when Baby C rolls into her.

-He eats and eats and eats. He loves his food! He has tried pears, apples, sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas. He is pretty little for his age...except his head...hopefully he will grow into it! :) He weighs 15lbs 15oz and is 25 inches long.

He LOVES to pull hair- if he is upset all you have to do is sit him on someone's shoulders and voila it is instant joy and least for him...he is the one pulling the hair.

Miss A and her Sayings

Funny Quotes by Miss A

Tonight we had our movie night. After the movie Miss A picked up my phone and said, "Oh, look at the time, i better get to bed".

"Daddy don't you know you love to play with me?"

"It is cool that Mimi can talk to Clementine"

Talking to grandpa she said, "I want you to come visit me." He told her she should come visit them. She said, "I don't like flying"

"Here's the deal mommy."

"Okay, this is what I am thinking..."

"I want to ask you a question..." followed by a statement. 

Feeds baby C
"I'll Say"
"Holy Smokey"
While I ran upstairs to grab an ingredient, I hear "Mommy do I put the applesauce with the wet ingredients?"
"It's okay, your big sister is here."
"Don't put that in your little"
"Let's Play!"

Because I am a Mother

Because I am a Mother...
-I get to spend all day with two of the sweetest kids I know
-I get to change dirty diapers 24/7. Some not so fun...but what makes it worth it is a happy baby free from diaper rash!
-I get to nurse every two hours...which makes it kind of tricky when figuring out when to go places and honestly that is why we don't go out a whole lot right now because it is way more comfortable for me to nurse at home.
-I sometimes have to clean up throw up. Definitely not the most fun part...except for the blessing it is to be able to comfort that little lady when nobody else can. I also think this last time Miss A and Mr. D were sick I was blessed to not get sick while they were so I could have the strength to clean it and help them. Cleaning it up was all worth it when right after Miss A had throw up I gave her a sip of water she turned to me pale faced and said so sweetly, "thank you".
-I get to dress baby C in many outfits every day, sometimes all of them in two days.
-I get to clean up LOTS of spit up and wash LOTS of clothes over and over again in the same week! They sure smell good.
-I don't get to sleep in, but I wake up to the two sweetest smiling faces.
-I get to play dress up, fairies, princesses, Sofia, Pteranodon family, house, doll house, doctor.
-I get to teach a little girl who is fascinated with space, weather, letters, numbers, scriptures, reading, dinosaurs...or at least pteranodons, constellations, planets, car safety, fire safety, counting, addition, bones in the body, how flowers grow, the seasons...
-I get woken up in my sleep to be able to help scare off monsters, and comfort someone in need.
-I get to try A LOT of new recipes. Baby C has a milk and soy allergy, so we try a lot of dairy free recipes...from breakfast to desserts. I am grateful that I have a husband and daughter who are willing to try ANYTHING! When I was off everything except fruits veggies and meat we had some interesting and hard times trying to meals that wouldn't starve me, but wow, when you clean your system out you feel really good!
-I get to help the Lord in His beautiful plan. Teaching children and raising children who know they are children of God. Who know they can do anything with the help of the Lord.
- I get to teach and be taught by little ones
- I get to watch the joy in my little girls eyes as she creates the world around her
-I get to sing to Sofia the first, and princesses all day.
- I get to jump in puddles again, play in the snow, dance in the rain, play in the mud, and try to remember what it was like to get messy. I love to watch her get her rain boots on, rain coat, and no umbrella to go out into the puddles and rain and just soak herself head to toe. We laugh and I cry, because I want to remember those moments forever.
-I get to be snuggled by baby C.
-I get to hear his sweet little voice say over and over mama, mam, ma, moma.
-I get to hear his sweet little laugh when Miss A dances, when we crawl on  the floor, when we bark like dogs, or when Mr. D calls on the phone and baby C hears him on speaker.
-I get to hear jokes that make no sense at all and laugh at them anyway.
-I get to hear the prayers of angels.
-I get to be silly again and again
-I sometimes cry because things get hard, and I don't always know the best thing to do, but the sweet relief comes when prayer is involved and I realize I am their mother and I do know more than I think.
-I get kiss away hurts.
-I get to watch Mr. D play with the kiddos, and simply smile because it fills me with joy.
-I get to make our home a safe place (along with help of course!)
-I get to learn new things every day...and realize there is no way you can know everything...although to some little people I do know everything.
-I get to keep heaven on earth every day!
-I get to be reminded of what is most important. I get to be reminded that this is the work of God on earth...families. There is no greater work that I can do than the work that is done "within the walls of my own home."
I love being a mother!