Thursday, January 22, 2015

Seven Months Old!

Seven Months have flown right by! This little man is getting bigger every day! This little man has stolen our hearts that is for sure. It is funny to me how different Baby C and Miss A are. They look almost identical but their big personalities are their own.
So what is this little baby boy up to?
 -Rolling Rolling Rolling! He loves rolling all over not thinking where he might be going! Miss A sometimes gets upset when he starts to roll into her toys, but most of the time I hear giggles and laughs especially when Baby C rolls into her.

-He eats and eats and eats. He loves his food! He has tried pears, apples, sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas. He is pretty little for his age...except his head...hopefully he will grow into it! :) He weighs 15lbs 15oz and is 25 inches long.

He LOVES to pull hair- if he is upset all you have to do is sit him on someone's shoulders and voila it is instant joy and least for him...he is the one pulling the hair.

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