Friday, May 20, 2016

Baby C Turned TWO!

WOW!!! He turned two years old...can you believe it??? Where did the time go? Baby C is no longer a baby anymore, yet I find myself still thinking he is. His favorites as of now are...Drum roll please...

BASEBALL- didn't see that one coming did ya? He lives for baseball. His new word which he just started to say the past couple of days is...can you guess? Yankee's. Nope no help from us on that one. He came up to me the other day and said, "Mama Ball? Yankee's?" I could not figure out what he was talking about, he has a Yankee's shirt and hat, but we don't have TV so we don't get to watch them play or anything... So his new baseball and bat from Papa has now turned into "Yankee's ball, Yankee's bat" sorry dad...I had nothing to do with it! He still walks around with the Giants hand and says "GO Giants Go Giants"! should be very proud.

He wakes up grabs his bat and ball runs to the family room and if daddy is home it's "Daddy pay ball" "me pitch" and then baby C will pitch to my D man and they will play forever. He LOVES when we get to see his cousin because his cousin loves to play ball too so they have started to play together...Baby C thinks it is the coolest thing in the world, it is right!

He loves his sister...Don't know how this happens, but brothers and sisters come to earth knowing how to push each others buttons AND knowing how to love each other unconditionally. They take things from each other, they get mad at each tonight Miss A was having a hard moment and I was trying to get C to bed she was mad because "her night light" which she hasn't used for months was in his room. She wanted it back. She threw her little fit saying it's mine, it's mine...well baby C thought it was funny and began to say back to her "mine" and on it went. He thought it was funny she thought it wasn't and for about ten minutes until I broke it up because I wanted some peace they went on...sometimes one of them says I wish so and so wasn't in our family...but then something beautiful happens and then they make up...they hug, they tackle, they laugh, they tickle, they play with each others toys, they get to play together (which has been so fun to see), and you can see they really do love each other.

He loves to play cars when he isn't playing ball.
He loves when daddy comes home
He loves the song I'm so Glad When Daddy Comes Home
He loves the song Itsy bitsy spider, Popcorn Popping, the Wheels on the Bus, I Love to See the Temple, Star Wars Theme.

He LOVES Star Wars- He is always "Chewy" well it is now "ewbaca" He gets the blasters and the lightsabers...he used to only use the blue (pool noodle) but now he uses the green and is often times "Yooda" He asks me this, "Mam dun dun" and then I begin to sing the star wars theme, he gets Really excited and dances and waves his lightsaber around.

He loves food...any food except we found out today watermelon. He is not a watermelon eating boy. He loves makes him break out sadly and gets gassy...but if he can sneak it he will.

He loves to sleep in our bed.

He loves to wear sunglasses and hats

He loves Mickey Mouse

He loves to go to Nana and Papas house..Miss A still wishes we lived there.

He loves to climb especially when I say no

He loves balloons

He loves to "run" all over all the time...falling is now at a minimum I hope. I am almost certain that we will be having broken bones because he is crazy.

He loves to cuddle

He loves to brush his teeth and play in the bath

He loves to pray- His sweet little prayers go something like this, "Father, HAPPY day, Happy Jesus, peese bess Jesus, peese bess good amen" I love hearing him pray...we all do! D man and I thought of them when we read this scripture in Mosiah in The Book of Mormon the other day..."And they gave thanks to God, yea, all their men and all their women and all their children that could speak lifted their voices in the praises of their God."

I am grateful every single day to be his mom and to have these two sweet ones. I have to remind myself that they are kids, they aren't perfect, I am not perfect and goodness patience is something I had and I hope I find it soon.....sometimes moments are hard. They are heaven sent and the biggest blessing in our life. They truly make our life sweeter, we have to work together for their good and as we do that it blesses us so much. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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